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Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ
Is semi-permanent makeup painful?

Semi-permanent eyebrow make-up, also known as Microblading, Microshading, or Micrograyling, is a technique that involves the application of pigments under the top layer of skin to create defined, long-lasting eyebrows.

Is semi-permanent eyebrow makeup painful?

Pain can vary according to individual sensitivity, but most customers experience mild discomfort or a tingling sensation during the process. We use soothing creams to minimize any discomfort.

What are the contraindications to semi-permanent eyebrow make-up?

For 7 to 10 days

  • Avoid excessive sun exposure
  • No steam bath or sauna
  • No swimming pool or sea bath
  • No abundant water on the pigmented area
  • Do not touch or scratch the pigmented area

6 weeks before and 6 weeks after

  • Neither Botox nor hyaluronic acid
What's the difference between microshading, microblading, and micrograyling?

Microshading is shading, microblading is hair-on-hair, and micrograyling is a blend of the two techniques.

How long does semi-permanent eyebrow make-up last?

Permanent eyebrow makeup can last from one to three years, depending on various factors such as the color of the pigments used, the customer's skin type, and post-treatment care. Annual touch-ups are recommended to keep the appearance fresh and lively.

Microshading, microblading, and micrograyling- which is the best technique?

There's no single best technique, depending on your desired result and skin type, so together, we can decide which is best for you.

Is semi-permanent eyebrow makeup suitable for everyone?

Although permanent eyebrow makeup is suitable for most people, there may be contraindications for some individuals, such as pregnant women, people with certain skin conditions, or those taking certain medications.

What is Brow Lift or brow enhancement and what does it involve?

A brow lift or brow enhancement aims to redefine and add volume to the eyebrows in a natural way. It involves applying a special solution to the eyebrows to straighten them and give them a denser, fuller appearance.

How long does a brow lift or brow enhancement last?

Arrow enhancement or brow lift generally lasts between 1 and 2 months. However, the exact duration may vary according to skin type, post-treatment care, and products used.

Is Brow Lift or brow enhancement painful?

No, Brow Lift or brow enhancement is generally painless. During treatment, you may experience a slight tingling or tickling sensation, but most clients generally tolerate this well.

Are there any precautions to take before and after Brow Lift or brow enhancement?

Before treatment, we recommend avoiding using greasy products or oils on the eyebrows, as these may affect the product's hold. After treatment, it is advisable not to wet the eyebrows for the first 24 hours and to avoid excessive exposure to the sun, saunas, or hot baths for a few days.

Is Brow Lift or brow enhancement suitable for everyone?

A brow lift or brow enhancement is generally suitable for most people with thin, stiff, or sparse eyebrows. However, it is advisable to consult a professional to determine whether this technique is suitable for your specific needs and eyebrow type.

What is semi-permanent lip make-up and what does it involve?

Semi-permanent lip make-up, also known as micro-pigmentation of the lips, is a technique that involves injecting pigments into the upper layer of the skin to improve the color and shape of the lips in a lasting way.

What's the difference between Dark Lips and Candy Lips?

Dark Lips allow dark, bluish, or purplish lips (congenital, smokers) to be neutralized for a harmonious, luminous color.

Candy Lips, thanks to an appropriate color pigment, will harmonize lips and correct any asymmetries.

Do lips swell with Candy Lips or Dark lips?

The volume of the lips may increase, but this fades rapidly (on average 48 hours).

What precautions need to be taken for Candy Lips and Dark Lips?

For 7 to 10 days

  • Avoid excessive sun exposure
  • No steam bath or sauna
  • No swimming pool or sea bath
  • No abundant water on the pigmented area
  • Do not touch or scratch the pigmented area
  • No make-up or scrubbing on the pigmented area.
  • Moisturize the area daily with a thin layer of balm

6 weeks before and 6 weeks after

  • Neither Botox nor hyaluronic acid
Are Candy Lips or Dark Lips painful?

Most customers describe a sensation of slight discomfort or tingling during the procedure, but the pain is usually minimal. We use techniques and products to minimize discomfort and make the experience as comfortable as possible.

How long does semi-permanent lip make-up last?

The duration varies according to several factors, including skin type, lifestyle, and post-procedure care. In general, semi-permanent lip makeup can last between 1 and 3 years before a touch-up is necessary.

Is semi-permanent lip make-up suitable for everyone?

While semi-permanent lip make-up is a popular option for many people, it may not be suitable for everyone. Pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as people with certain skin conditions, may not be candidates for this procedure.

When should Dark Lips and Candy Lips be touched up?

After the first creative session: 6 to 10 weeks

For maintenance touch-ups: 1 to 3 years

Are there any risks or side effects?

As with any cosmetic procedure, there are potential risks, but these are generally minimal when performed by a qualified professional. Common side effects include slight temporary redness, swelling, and burning, usually disappearing within a few days.

Can I do semi-permanent make-up if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?

No, we strongly advise against it

Is it painful to get semi-permanent freckles?

Each person's pain is unique, but it's completely bearable.

Is it painful to have semi-permanent moles?

Each person's pain is unique, but it's completely bearable.

What are the contraindications for semi-permanent freckles or moles?

The first 3 days

  • No water, cream or make-up on the pigmented area

The first 10 days

  • Avoid excessive sun exposure
  • No steam bath or sauna
  • No swimming pool or sea bath
  • No scrubbing of pigmented areas

2 months before or 2 months after

  • No deep care (e.g. micro-needling)
When should I have my semi-permanent freckles or beauty mark touched up?

After the first creative session: 6 to 8 weeks

For maintenance touch-ups: 1 to 3 years

Can I do semi-permanent make-up if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?

No, we strongly advise against it

What's the difference between eyelash enhancement and eyelash extension?

Extensions are lashes added to your natural lashes for a fuller look, while enhancement consists of accentuating the natural curve of your lashes.

What is eyelash enhancement and what does it involve?

Eyelash enhancement is a semi-permanent beauty technique designed to give a natural curve and lengthen the appearance of the eyelashes. It uses a special solution to modify the structure of the lashes and make them fuller, without the need for extensions.

How long does eyelash enhancement last?

Eyelash enhancement usually lasts 6 to 8 weeks. However, the exact duration may vary according to lash type, each person's natural lash growth cycle, and post-boosting care.

Is eyelash enhancement safe for my eyes?

Eyelash enhancement is a safe procedure when performed by a qualified and experienced professional. The products used are specially formulated to be gentle on the eyes

Can I wear mascara after an eyelash enhancement?

Yes, you can still wear mascara after a lash enhancement if you wish. However, we recommend using a gentle, non-waterproof mascara to avoid damaging the lashes or weakening the enhancement effect.

Are there any precautions to take before or after the procedure?

Before the procedure, it is advisable to avoid using cosmetics on the lashes, to ensure better adhesion of the solution. After the procedure, it is recommended to avoid wetting the lashes for at least 24 hours and to avoid excessive rubbing. In addition, it's important to avoid saunas, steam baths, or excessive exposure to heat for the first 48 hours.

What are REACH regulations, and why are they important for semi-permanent make-up pigments?

REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals) is a European Union law designed to guarantee the safety of chemicals used in various industries, including cosmetics. All our color pigments comply with these regulations, which means they have been assessed and approved for safe use.

What guarantees do we have about the safety of the pigments used in semi-permanent make-up?

We take the safety of our customers very seriously. All our color pigments are manufactured to the highest standards in the cosmetics industry and undergo rigorous testing to guarantee their safety and non-toxicity. They also comply with REACH regulations, guaranteeing their safety for use on the skin.

Can color pigments cause allergic reactions or skin irritation?

REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals) is a European Union law designed to guarantee the safety of chemicals used in various industries, including cosmetics. All our color pigments comply with these regulations, which means they have been assessed and approved for safe use.

Are the color pigments used permanent on the skin?

Although the pigments used are designed to last longer than traditional cosmetics, they are not considered permanent. Wear may vary depending on factors such as skin type, sun exposure, and post-procedure care. Regular touch-ups are often recommended to maintain the desired look.

Are the color pigments used suitable for all skin tones?

Yes, our pigments are available in a wide range of colors to suit all skin tones. Our team of Artists will select the shades best suited to your skin and aesthetic preferences for a natural, harmonious result.

What hygiene and sanitation measures does BELECO & LUKSO implement?

Hygiene and cleanliness are top priorities at our salon. We rigorously follow the standards set by AFNOR XP X50-831-1 to guarantee a safe environment for our customers and our team.

How are our tools and equipment disinfected and sterilized?

Since we only use single-use equipment, no disinfection or sterilization process is required. Every customer benefits from new, sterile tools for their semi-permanent makeup session, guaranteeing the highest standard of hygiene.

What precautions are taken to ensure the health and safety of our clients?

In addition to the exclusive use of single-use equipment, we ensure that our staff follow strict personal hygiene protocols, including hand washing and the wearing of disposable gloves throughout the session.

How are our staff trained in health and hygiene?

Our team is regularly trained in best hygiene and sanitation practices, even though the use of single-use equipment considerably reduces the risk of contamination. They are fully aware of the importance of maintaining a clean and safe environment for our customers.

What should I do if I notice a hygiene or sanitation problem during my semi-permanent make-up session?

While we take every measure to ensure a safe environment, we strongly encourage our customers to report any hygiene or sanitation issues they may notice during their visit. We will take immediate corrective action to rectify the situation and ensure customer satisfaction.

How is waste generated during semi-permanent make-up sessions treated?

We have set up a waste management system that complies with current regulations. Waste is sorted, stored safely, and disposed of responsibly to reduce our environmental impact.

What guarantees does our salon offer in terms of payment security?

We use secure payment systems and comply with data confidentiality standards to ensure the security of all transactions carried out in our salon. Your privacy and security are our top priority.